#lifegivingwords,  #LivingHoly,  Praise

The Who, What, Why, When, Where & How of the Psalms

July 15  – One Year Chronological Bible  #lifegivingwords

Way back, in probably the 5th grade, we learned the five key elements for good information known as the 5 W’s: Who, What, Why, When, and Where. Add in the oddball “H: How” and we actually have six elements.

The last six Psalms that we read today are brimming with jewels of information that we can mine when we ask the 5 W’s and H questions. The Psalmist’s English teacher would be so proud!


What are these Psalms telling us? To Praise the Lord. Plain and simple.


Who are we praising? The LORD!

Who is to praise?

Read through these Psalms, particularly 148, 149 and 150, and make a list. Did you find, like I did, that all of creation is to Praise the LORD?

All the angels, all the armies of heaven, the twinkling stars and skies above. Cloud vapors, fire, hail, fruit trees, creatures of ocean depths, birds and things that scurry, mountains and hills, wild animals, livestock, kings, young, and old, all people. “Let everything that breathes sing praises to the LORD!”

There is no exemption, no exception. This means you and I are to praise the Lord.

Do you ever give yourself permission to not praise the Lord? Or a justifying reason for not praising the Lord? Write that down.

Why do we praise?

The Psalmist lists all of the good things the Lord has done on behalf of His people. Read the Psalms again paying attention to the reasons the Psalmist gives for praising the Lord. Which ones stand out to you? God’s creativity? His provision? His protection? His justice? His grace and mercy?

Take this moment to write your own list of reasons to praise the Lord.

When do we praise?

As long as I live, until my dying breath, declares the Psalmist in 146. Is this our attitude? Do we praise with every breath? Or does the same mouth that praises also grumble and curse?

What are you grumbling about today? How can you change it to a statement of praise? Write that down.

Where do we praise?

From the Heavens! From the Earth! In God’s Sanctuary. We are to praise God everywhere. Not just in church on Sunday (or whatever day it is that you attend a worship service). We are to praise God in our workplace, in the laundry room, in the car pool line, in the DMV line, in horrible commute traffic, and in the doctor’s office. Wherever we find ourselves, we are to praise the Lord.

Where do you spend most of your time? Write down one thing you can do today to incorporate praise into that situation.

How do we praise?

With singing, tambourines, dancing, and clashing of symbols. The idea here is that our praise is to be jubilant. Yes, we can praise in the privacy of our quiet time, but the Psalmist encourages us to cut loose with our praise too! Go ahead and sing that worship song out loud in the car. Raise your hands in worship. Shout that Amen. Clap your hands in praise of God.

You are probably by yourself as you read this today, so practicing this may seem a little awkward. Do it anyway. If you need to, sit in your car at lunch. Recall the reasons you just wrote down about why to praise the Lord. Speak them out loud, all the while giving the Lord your own clapping ovation. Applaud the Lord in praise.


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