
Top 10 Things You Can Get Rid Of

There is a list going around of 200 things to throw away in the New Year. I got through reading about the first 100 when I knew there was no way I would ever be successful in that. There were way too many items and I disagreed with a lot of them.

Keep only three favorite pens? Who are you kidding? I’d never find one to write with if I only had three!

Who uses three whisks? I do. With regularity.

Throw away extension cords? No way. How would I plug my Christmas lights in next year?

I did agree to throw away my old calendars. That was harder than it seemed it should be. I had ten years of them.

Instead of someone else telling me what I needed to discard, I decided to create my own list of 10 things to throw away. 10 is far more manageable. 10 can be successful. You may disagree with some of these and that’s fine. Create your own list of 10 and then go do them

The bigger point we need to focus on is that getting rid of things we do not use creates space for us the breathe. Not space to fill up again. Remember #SabbathMargin from last year? Throw or give it away and then leave the space empty. Yay! What a delight that will be!

My ten things to get rid of (most of which are GONE already):

  1. The orange mesh shower thing that has been hanging on the bar in my shower for I have no idea how long. I don’t use them. Why do I have one hanging in my shower? This goes for its twin that I found lurking in the cabinet.
  2. Underwear with holes. Seriously.
  3. All of the old Iphone cords.
  4. All of the purses I have not used, and will not use. That will free up quite a bit of floor space in my closet.
  5. 12 things from the hanging space in my closet and donate. Then remove the hangars. This might be a little more difficult. Things do come back into style you know.
  6. All of the expired Bjs coupon books.
  7. All of the Christmas Land’s End and LL Bean catalogues.
  8. The broken strands of Christmas lights. I actually had to argue with my other half over this one.
  9. The file of bills I discovered in our desk drawer that were from 2010. Fortunately they were all paid and none of them affect our taxes.
  10. The two one-time use cameras I found in a cabinet drawer last year that have been sitting on my counter ever since. I have no idea what pictures are on them. Does anyone still develop film?

What are your ten things? Share them – they might prompt me to look for more!



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    Pam Rountree

    I am all about getting rid of stuff but have hit the wall. I want to pare down the clothes in my closet the most and would love a list similar to the well-stocked-pantry list, you know, the essentials you need in your pantry, but in this case, your closet. Any ideas?

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